NEWS- Issue 10
We are very happy to inform you that our new newsletter is now available! Find out more about the activities of our Belgian biobank network here: News- ISSUE [...]
We are very happy to inform you that our new newsletter is now available! Find out more about the activities of our Belgian biobank network here: News- ISSUE [...]
On December 1st, organized in collaboration with the LUSS (Ligue des Usagers des Services de Santé - LUSS asbl) and the Institut Jules Bordet a Biobank Info day for patients. Many [...]
Les biobanques sont assez mal connues du public, et les chercheurs, les médecins eux-mêmes n’en parlent pas toujours avec aisance. Le réseau des biobanques belges ( souhaite échanger avec [...]
We are very happy to inform you that our new newsletter is now available! Find out more about the activities of our Belgian biobank network here: News- Issue [...]
We are very happy to inform you that our new newsletter is now available! Find out more about the activities of our Belgian biobank network here: News 8 [...]
We are very happy to inform you that our new newsletter is now available! Find out more about the activities of our Belgian biobank network here: NEWS Issue [...]
On Monday May 31st, we will organize our annual meeting. Don't miss this opportunity to learn about the accomplishments and future plans of More details about [...]
We are happy to announce the release of our national version of the BBMRI-ERIC Directory: the Directory From now on, the biobanks can continuously update their data [...]
The new newsletter is now available! Have a look at to find up more about our recent and upcoming activities! Newsletter- Issue 6 - Jan 2021
We are happy to present you the E-book “Biobanks as Essential Tools for Translational Research: The Belgian Landscape”, published in Frontiers in Medicine as a special Research Topic. This [...]