BBMRI-ERIC Finance Committee

According to the internal Rules of Procedure of the Finance Committee:

The Finance Committee shall be composed of one representative of each Member of BBMRI-ERIC who shall be officially appointed by the competent authority of each Member. Delegates may be accompanied by a maximum of two advisors who may act as proxies to the delegates. Members shall state in the appointment letter the name of the delegate. A representative with the official endorsement from each Observer may attend the meetings of the Finance Committee in an observing capacity. With the agreement of the Finance Committee, the Chair may invite other experts to attend any of its sessions.


The Finance Committee shall be an advisory and preparatory committee of the Assembly of Members to:

  • (a) advise the Assembly of Members and the Director General on matters relating to the management and preparation of the budget of BBMRI-ERIC, its expenditure and accounts, and its future financial planning;

  • (b) provide the Assembly of Members and the Director General with advice on the financial implications of the other BBMRI-ERIC bodies’ recommendations;

  • (c) upon request, provide advice on other financial matters relating to the management and administration of BBMRI-ERIC;

  • (d) submit a proposal concerning the appointment of external auditors to the Assembly of Members.

(Statutes, Article 12.1)

The BBMRI-ERIC Assembly of Members is  attended by administrative delegates of BELSPO, EWI or DGO6-SPW.
The current delegate for the Assembly of Members is Philippe Desmeth (BELSPO).