Specific questions related to the ISO 20387 norm
4.1.4 Information relevant to biobank activities, processes and procedures shall be documented in a comprehensible format. What does this actually mean? It’s very vague to me. Does this adress [...]
4.1.4 Information relevant to biobank activities, processes and procedures shall be documented in a comprehensible format. What does this actually mean? It’s very vague to me. Does this adress [...]
Acquisition, storage and distribution are all obligatory activities in the BELAC ISO20387 accreditation scope. Therefore it's not possible to receive an ISO20387 accreditation if your biobank only includes storage [...]
ISO TC212 (Clinical laboratory and IVD test systems) published Technical Specifications for pre-examination processes for a broad range of matrices and uses. The most recent versions can be found [...]
These are two separate tools The BBMRI-ERIC Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) is developed by BBMRI-ERIC. This tool is available to members of BBMRI-ERIC for free, and non BBMRI-ERIC members can [...]
It’s up to the biobank to define the scope of their activities and quality objectives. If you exclude certain activities or collections out of your scope of accreditation, you [...]
This could be, and you could do a validation study for this. We refer to the following sources: Review on long-term storage temperatures: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/bio.2013.0084 Lukasz Kozera BBMRI-ERIC webinar series [...]
Biobanks don't have to use a quality manual, SOPS or WDs. They can structure their documented information as is most convenient for them. When they wish to attain ISO20387 [...]
General requirements clauses address is a very broad way all aspects of biobank management and activities, such as the general principles of quality documentation, impartiality and confidentiality. Structural requirements [...]
ISO defines uses specific language to address this. (see https://www.iso.org/foreword-supplementary-information.html) "shall" indicates a requirement "should" indicates a recommendation "may" is used to indicate that something is permitted "can" is [...]
All BELAC prices are published in BELAC 7-01: BELAC: General and practical information (https://economie.fgov.be/en/publication/series-belac-7-xx-information). Dossier cost: non-recurrent, to be payed upon submission of accreditation-request Yearly fee during accreditation Audits: [...]