IT Working Group2024-10-01T08:26:47+02:00


Katia Emmerechts
Katia Emmerechts Belgian Cancer Registry
Kimberly Vanhees
Kimberly VanheesUBiLim

Are you interested to join this Working Group?

All members of are free to join the Working Groups of
Just send us an email and we will register you for this Working Group.

Do you have a question for the experts in this Working Group?

You can submit any IT related questions in the biobank field here.  Our IT experts will give you the answer to your burning question!


Katia Emmerechts
Kimberly Vanhees

Are you interested to join this Working Group?

All members of are free to join the Working Groups of
Just send us an email and we will register you for this Working Group.

Do you have a question for the experts in this Working Group?

You can submit any IT related questions in the biobank field here.  Our IT experts will give you the answer to your burning question!

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FAQs related to this Working Group

Where can I find the collections of

The available collections from all biobanks of can be found in the BBMRI-BE Directory
The Directory is a collection level catalog which gives you a glance of the material that is available at our biobanks and is freely available for all researchers.

In the Directory, you can filter the biobanks with your criteria. After the search,  you can contact all biobanks of interest at once through the communication platform of BBMRI-ERIC (the Negotiator). The Negotiator substantially simplifies the communication steps that are necessary to obtain information on the availability of relevant samples/data, particularly if the researchers need to communicate with multiple candidate biobanks.

If you do not find the samples you are looking for in the Directory, then go have look at the BBMRI-ERIC Directory, the biggest biobanking catalogue on the globe,w hich harbours all collections of BBMRI-ERIC.


How do I consult the available collections in the Directory?2023-07-05T12:00:16+02:00

The data in the Directory can be consulted on the homepage of the Directory by all users (no login is required).
More detailed information on the different options can be found in this document: Consult data in Directory –


How can I update my data in the Directory?2023-07-05T12:00:12+02:00

To update the data of your biobank in the Directory, you need to login (one login available per biobank). Contact us ( if you would need a login for your biobank.

Updates can be done either manually via “Advanced search” in the web application or by uploading an excel file via “Import Data”.
When using the “import data” option, make sure to start from the most recent data from your biobank.
A step-by-step guide for both update options can be found in this document: Update data in Directory –

If you need an excell export of your current data in the Directory as a starting point for your updates, please contact

Where can I find information about the data model used in the Directory2023-07-05T12:00:06+02:00

In this document, you can find a manual about the data model and the accepted values for each variable.

How can I export the most recent data of my biobank in the Directory?2023-07-05T12:00:01+02:00

This functionality is only possible with an admin account.
Please contact to get an excel export of your data.

 How can I register my collection in the Negotiator?2023-08-28T16:48:32+02:00
  1. Go to
  2. Try to login through your home institution
    • find your institution and log in
    • if your institution is not available, try adding it and log in
    • if both methods above do not work, register an account with “our Hostel” and log in
  3. Register with the list of collection IDs you are representing (see Directory)
  4. BBMRI-ERIC will review your registration and if OK, they approve it – and you are ready to go!
  5. Receive sample requests!

More detailed information about the Negotiator and a more detailed guide for the registration can be found with the following links:

Are there minimum data sets defined for non-human samples?2024-10-01T08:26:06+02:00


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