Network & Valorisation WG2023-10-11T08:24:18+02:00


Annelies Debucquoy
Elke Berneel
Elke BerneelBiobank Gent

Are you interested to join this Working Group?

All members of are free to join the Working Groups of
Just send us an email and we will register you for this Working Group.

Are you looking for a partnership with

Please contact us with the button below and we will get back to you to discuss the possibilities


Annelies Debucquoy
Elke Berneel

Are you interested to join this Working Group?

All members of are free to join the Working Groups of
Just send us an email and we will register you for this Working Group.

Are you looking for a partnership with

Please contact us with the button below and we will get back to you to discuss the possibilities

Recent news of this working group

FAQs related to this Working Group

How can I become a research partner of

The biobank network of is supported by and collaborating with several research partners including the (university)hospitals linked to our biobanks, research infrastructures & organisations, biotech and pharma networks and governmental organisations.  If you are interested in a collaboration with (the biobanks of), then get in touch with us and we will be happy to discuss the possibilities for collaboration.



How can we get in contact with biobanks for participation in research projects /collaborations?2023-09-13T19:04:46+02:00

If you are looking for a collaboration with our biobanks to:

  • participate as a project partner in a research project
  • provide samples and/or data
  • set up a prospective collection

Then please get in touch with the coordination office of and explain which kind of collaboration you have in mind.
We will be happy to distribute your request to our biobanks and bring you into contacted with the interested biobanks .


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